Welcome to TroubleshootPal!

Established on October 17, 2023, by Javed Khan and Jonathan Flair, TroubleshootPal is your dedicated companion for all your home appliances and smart device woes. We understand the frustration that arises when your everyday gadgets fail to function, and we are here to provide comprehensive solutions to ensure your technology works seamlessly.

Our Vision

At TroubleshootPal, our vision is to simplify the management of home appliances and smart devices for every individual. We aim to empower you to effortlessly resolve technical issues and make the most of your technology, creating a convenient and stress-free living environment.

What We Offer

Our platform offers a wealth of resources designed to address common and complex issues related to home appliances and smart devices. From troubleshooting guides to practical tips and tricks, we are committed to providing you with the knowledge and support you need to maintain and optimize your devices.

Meet the Founders

Javed Khan and Jonathan Flair, the co-founders of TroubleshootPal, share a deep passion for technology and a keen understanding of the challenges faced by modern households. With their collective expertise in home automation and appliance management, they are dedicated to delivering accessible and user-friendly solutions to enhance your everyday living.

Our Commitment

At TroubleshootPal, we are committed to ensuring that you can seamlessly operate your home appliances and smart devices without any technical hindrances. Our goal is to create a community-driven platform where users can exchange insights and troubleshooting tips, fostering a supportive environment for everyone looking to optimize their home technology experience.

Thank you for choosing TroubleshootPal as your trusted guide for all things home appliances and smart devices. We are here to support you every step of the way!

For any inquiries, suggestions, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible solutions and support.


The TroubleshootPal Team